Focus Areas

Sacred Earth Trust - Habitat
Sacred Earth Trust


Habitat Restoration & Protection



The United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration runs from 2021 to 2030. In a June 2021 report to help launch the decade, the UN called for nations to deliver on existing ecosystem restoration commitments, which in total add up to over 1 billion hectares, an area bigger than China. About half the world’s GDP is directly dependent on nature, yet mankind is depleting natural resources at about 1.6x the rate at which nature can restore them. The report advised that restoration efforts to address this could contribute about a third of the climate change mitigation needed by 2030, as well as protect nature and biodiversity, with significant benefits to humans in terms of physical health, mental health and economically.

Sacred Earth Trust is currently working towards creating urban, community managed green spaces which will aid in combating climate change, deteriorating air quality, shrinking wildlife habitats and much more We are focusing on establishing connectivity with existing forested areas and creating a mosaic of interconnected urban green areas which will increase the landscape’s ability to support biodiversity. These small patches of forests will also be established as community managed sacred groves to create additional social fencing through a revival of nature worship based belief systems. The selection of NTFP rich native species of flora will ensure community stake in the project sites. A community managed Sacred grove has already been set up in NOIDA, Uttar Pradesh. 

Many studies have shown that the religious and cultural significance attached to sacred sites drive the sustainable utilization and conservation of native genetic resources (plant and animal) within sacred landscapes (Bhagwat & Rutte, 2006; Khan et al., 2008; Aniah & Yelfaanibe, 2016). Some other research findings have also pointed to increasing threats facing the continued protection of sacred groves, including diminishing observance of traditional rules and taboos (Onyekwelu & Olusola, 2014). A study has been initiated to understand the role of traditional knowledge and belief system for conservation of biodiversity through the protection of sacred groves


Eco - Spirituality : Education Outreach

Eco-spirituality is a manifestation of the spiritual connection between human beings and the environment. Eco-spirituality incorporates an intuitive and embodied awareness of all life and engages a relational view of person to planet, inner to outer land- scape, and soul to soil. It highlights the spiritual facet to all issues related to conservation, environmentalism and earth stewardship. The concept of eco-spirituality is abstract to most people due to lack of awareness. We aim to bring eco-spirituality to the forefront by means of workshops, outreach programmes etc., creating a community of individuals who are aware of their connection with nature. This connection is essential to encourage people to come together and take action to save our planet. SET conducts workshops, nature walks, short term nature education programs for children and adults. We are also working with the Ministry of Environment Forests and Climate Change on creating modules for a more motivated and conscious frontline forest staff workforce.

Sacred Earth Trust - Education Outreach
Sacred Earth Trust - Sacred Grove Network

Sacred Grove Network

Throughout India and globally there exist wooded areas dedicated to deities/spirits guarded by indigenous communities which play an important role both culturally and ecologically. These areas are often protected by religious beliefs that surround them. Sacred groves are soaked in culture and traditions, thereby forming an integral part of many communities. They are one of the finest instances of traditional conservation practices. The concept of sacred grove network is to form a community of people to protect existing groves and create new groves while preserving our connection with nature. The idea is to promote a culture of creating and nurturing green spaces around us. In the battle against climate change, creating forests is vital.



Creation of new training module for frontline forest staff across Protected Areas with the MoEFCC .

Workshops for school children

- Compassion and Nature Spirituality Workshops.
- Rediscover Nature Workshop.

Nature walks

Forest Bathing and Eco spirituality Nature walks.

Sacred Earth Trust - Education
Sacred Earth Trust - Habitat Restoration


Creation of a community managed sacred grove in Noida, Uttar Pradesh.

In the midst of the city, community managed serene greens.

Sacred Earth Trust - Habitat Restoration
Cost efficient & resonable
Growth every
Re-engagement Rate